Beauty Health Tips

10 Makeup Tips Older Women Must Master And The Last One Is Important

6. Eye shadow: Middle-aged and elderly people should consider the sense of dignity when choosing eye shadow, so it is not suitable to use bright colors. Flat coating or small barbs should not be too large. Purple and brown are good choices.

7. Blush: Middle-aged and elderly women should choose a brown-red blush, from the temples down to the ears.

8. Lip shape: Lipstick should choose dark burgundy or brownish red, trimming your lip shape to make it full is the purpose of the lip shape, don’t use too bright colors.

9. Hairstyle: The hairstyle of middle-aged and elderly women should be simple, generous and dignified as the benchmark. Don’t have too many accessories on your hair, and you can also pull the outer corners of your eyes by pulling the hair on the left and right sides.

10. The choice of jewelry, simple necklaces and earrings can be used. Unless it is a very grand occasion, everything should be simple and elegant.

Middle-aged and elderly female friends should remember that a person’s beauty comes from the inside, and the decoration of the appearance can only play an auxiliary role. For the majority of middle-aged and elderly people, make-up skills cannot help you restore your attractive appearance in essence. More importantly, you must face your age bravely and adjust yourself psychologically. If a person wants not to appear old, the first thing is to have a mentality. As long as you maintain such a mentality, your appearance and charm will not lose the style of the past.